Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ranting! rant rant rant + (Miss Melbourne? Part 1)

:) Hi hi hi!!

This is yet another update of my life. Seems a little too soon, but it has been two eventful days. Someone very close to me has told me that they want to end the relationship that we've had so far and eventually put the relationship to a stop. I was very upset about this... Hence the msn name for them kiddies close to me.

After getting up at 4 pm the night before, I decided it was healthy to try and bend my bio clock back to what it should be, so I didn't really sleep that night. I spent the entire night talking to a few of my buddies, watching friends and pondering about random crap. Seems relatively constructive.

Then it was off to playing my new addiction "Heavenly Sword", it's a fantastic PS 3 game that I borrowed from Matt (thanks for that by the way) and I've been playing it non stop since I got it. After a few hours of intense gaming, I decided to take a shower and go out. (Skipping university because I just felt kinda shyte) While having breakfast, I decided to see if I can drag anyone to hangout with me. I ended up contacting a friend from Chinese school in year 11, Janice, who I haven't really seen in about 8 month to come out with me. Obviously she said yes (totally unexpected) so we decided to meet and have lunch. After having trouble calling her telling her that I arrived earlier than expected. (because she gave her old phone to her MOTHER) We caught up and had a great chat catching up. But the highlight was sitting at Melbourne Central Gloria Jeans, we pretty much just started bitching about people walking past and pointing out the flaws. A quote said by Jan was "Why judge yourself when you can judge other people?" I was like "OMG YOU ARE SO RIGHT!" There was also some weird conversation in reguards to crapping out money, crazy barbie hairs and carrot legs.... Good times.

After that, I met up with Matt and we decided to see The Mummy 3, we got the ticket an hour before the show. Meanwhile, I got a delightful phone call from a female friend of mine who just returned from a so called "state hopping" trip. It was a hezzy phone conversation of me telling her to come and meet us at MC and her being lazy and needing her hair trimmed. Then she told me she periced her left nipple, quite suprised, I decided to ask random questions, being a guy of course I asked the obvious "can I see it?" question and was turned down, a few times. Hehehe...

All in all, the Mummy 3 was relatively average, nothing compared to the first movie of course, the one where we fell in love with Brendan and his goofy acting. 7 years later, its still the same, which was VERY dissapointing. But if you're into that kinda action movie, it's worth a watch.

After the movie, it was a journy around Swanston street and surrounding areas to take some photos for a small thingo that I'm about to post. And a short trip to Meta Games (my favourite store EVER).

On the train ride home, I manage to fall asleep on the shoulder of the girl next to me twice. She was kindly enough (or scared shitless) to let me do it for some strange reason, untill she had to get off.

Lovely day, manage to let out some steam.

Love you all kiddies.

Now without further adu


Dedicated to Katie and Laura, my little OE kiddies.


China town!! :) Gotta love that place, for the great food at least.


A TRAM! Bet they don't have that overseas (I think)


MYER! :) Gotta love their perfume department and the hot make up demo babes


KO KO BLACK! For their awesome chocolate. Though you guys are closer to Belgium that we are.. you still have to remember the awesomeness that is the KKB


ROYAL ARCADE! Just because


FLINDER STREET STATION! The start of all awesome trips to the city.


FED SQUARE! Because people need to gather together for major events.


MELB CENTRAL! Awesomeness mixed into one.

Last but not least:




Thanks for looking, just thought I bring a piece of Melbourne into people's lives :)



- Tune in soon, for more rants and cyber bitchingness.

1 comment:

Kate K said...

there are trams in dresden