Monday, September 7, 2009


Watching Good New Week (Weak being not funny weak) [Just wanted to add that Cassie Davis just came on, so its a bit better?] <3>

The longer the play, the bigger the shirts! - Murry Hewitt

Murry Hewitt

So its been ages since my last blog post. After seeing some friends made some spampage about that shiznet and what not. I thought I'll post some stuff and keep it going. Turning 20 would probably be one of the recent highlights. :) Thanks to everyone who got me something, brought me drinks and wished me happy birthday. I love you all.

So I thought it was time for a B30 list as well for the long coming year. BRING IT ON! I'm going to make 200 things on it and start with my first 10 today! Well, maybe I'll even cross it off as we go along? :D

- Own my own car
- Move out and be independant
- Get my Ps
- Make top 100 in Australian Idol
- Get on TV
- Meet a half Chinese half Indian person (preferably a girl)
- Win a GP (Magic related)
- Win a PTQ (Magic related)
- Be on TV
- Learn how to cook (professionally)

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